Benefit Therapy Services provides speech therapy evaluation and treatment services to both pediatric and adult populations. Our trained therapists have the tools and expertise to assess and treat a variety of communication difficulties and speech disorders. Our goal is to foster communicative growth and help patients achieve the ability to communicate in all aspects of their daily life. During the course of treatment, speech therapists continually reassess the patient’s progress and coordinate with team members, including caregivers, to achieve patient specific therapy goals.
- Articulation & Phonology
- Developmental Delays related to communication
- Expressive and Receptive Language
- Early Intervention (Birth to 3 yrs)
- Aphasia
- Social and Pragmatic impairments
- Apraxia of Speech
Fluency (also known as Stuttering)
- Oral Motor Disorders
- Feeding and Swallowing Impairments
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Early Literacy & Phonemic Awareness
- Neurodegenerative Disorders
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Voice Disorders